Tuesday, July 20, 2010

BERRY Genealogy

Hi Everyone! No I did not fall off the face of the earth! lol I still care about animals and animal welfare very much. I finally hit pay dirt on my Genealogy research! Yeah!!! I am sure many of you know how addicting Genealogy can be!! I have not been on Facebook, Blogger, eHow and etc. for over a month... I have been too busy with all my Genealogy leads I have discovered! I will be starting my new blog about Genealogy and my Ancestry lines I am researching very soon. I am not sure if I will be using Blogger or a different blog service. Does anyone have any suggestions for me about a different blog site to use that they prefer to Blogger? I will still be active on this blog. I will always be concerned about animals. Does anyone have these surnames in your Genealogy? If you do, please contact me!! These are the surnames I am researching: BERRY, ROGERS, RODGERS, JACKSON, BANKSTON, ADAIR, PEARSON, PIERSON, ELLIS, McCAY, MIDDLETON, WILLIS, MAYES, HOSKINS, HASKINS, ROPER and more...


  1. Are you researching the Berrys of New Hampshire, descendants of William Berry sent about 1631 to New England by Captain John Mason?

  2. I hope you blog a little on what you find for blogs to use for your new blog. I haven't checked it out yet, but I saw that yahoo has something.

    I may subscribe or follow you, as I attempt to learn if your Berry maybe could have any ties to a surname I found on a church document... Boerries with question marks.

    I have been a bit distracted from blogging, and reading blogs, but hope to get back to it soon.
    Thanks for joining in.

  3. I have Berry's in Mississippi......mainly in Simpson, Lawrence, Rankin, Jefferson Davis Counties. Many many families that lived in the area from the early 1820's.
